
Posts Tagged ‘Asphalt Cowboy’



June 11, 2009: Republic, WA to Colville, WA

The group awoke at their encampment at the fairgrounds in Republic, Wa. ready for the challenge of Sherman Pass. In his blog, the Asphalt Cowboy had mentioned that he considered the climb up Sherman Pass to be the most difficult of all the Washington passes. At 5,700 feet, Sherman Pass was certainly higher than any of the preceding passes, so the group prepared for a difficult day.

As the climb began, the group experienced its first encounter with inclement weather. About half-way up Sherman Pass, the clouds opened up with rain and hail. The 47-degree temperature and a slight wind made for a very cool ascent. By the time the summit of the pass was reached, we were all soaked and cold.

After spending a very short time at the summit of Sherman Pass, we began the descent, in search of warmer, dryer weather. As we sped down the mountain, everyone was freezing; fortunately Marshall and Ann Schilling came to the rescue in the support vehicles. Marshall put a shivering Chicken Headley into the cab of his truck and turned on the heat. The Schillings then provided warm clothes, energy snacks and water to the rest of us. We all decided that, in the future, we would need to be better prepared for sudden weather changes.

We continued on down the mountain towards Kettle Falls, Wa. and Roosevelt Lake.  Forty-degree temperatures turned into the 90s as we descended….a welcome relief. We continued on into Colville, Wa. where we are camping during our layover day at the fairgrounds.

During discussions following today’s ride, we all came to the conclusion that we disagree with the Asphalt Cowboy – the climb up Sherman Pass was not that tough. The combination of Rainy Pass plus Washington Pass on Day 2 was the toughest.

Total miles ridden today: 52 miles. Altitude climbed: From 2,000 feet to 5,700 feet in 15 miles.  We’re taking our first layover day tomorrow.

A welcome sight

A welcome sight

Bath time!

Bath time!

Sir Winston Churchill - sponsoring dog of POWC2C

Sir Winston Churchill - sponsoring dog of POWC2C

Roosevelt Lake

Roosevelt Lake

Mark's self-portrait

Mark's summit self-portrait

Sue's new bike

Sue's new bike

Tin man and scarecrow keeping watch in eastern Washington

Tin men keeping watch in eastern Washington

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